Promotion of Small Facility Grant Programme
Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development “PREDA Plus”, in cooperation with its German partner Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB), are implementing the project “Improving the Macedonian CSO’s active participation in decision-making process through the empowerment of grass-root CSO’s”, within the framework of the European Union’s Civil Society Facility and Media Program. The project aims to strengthen networking and grass-root CSOs capacities ensuring them as accountable actors, specifically focusing on enabling legal and financial environment, cooperation between the Government and CSOs, CSOs’ effectiveness, transparency and accountability.
Main goals of the Small Grants Programme are:
General objective: to have a more dynamic civil society that actively participates in public debates with the capacity to influence policy-making and decision-making processes.
Specific objective: to achieve greater commitment and capacity of CSOs in order to provide them with the right to vote and the possibility of influencing the processes of public sector reform through analysis, monitoring and advocacy.
Through the re-grant scheme for financial assistance within the project “Improving the Macedonian CSO’s active participation in decision-making process through the empowerment of grass-root CSO’s”, we will support projects of civil society organizations. Innovative ideas, project proposals that will have a direct connection with improving the active involvement of CSOs in the decision-making process, by strengthening and supporting initiatives and projects of local CSOs will be supported by us.
For more details for the Public Call, please read the following links:
In case of additional information required, questions may be sent by email to info@predaplus.eu no later than 25.12.2017. with email subject “Questions on the Call for proposal for the Small Grants Facility – Active CSOs”. The Contracting Authortiy has no obligation to provide clarifications to questions received after this date. Replies will be given no later than 29.12.2017.
Applications should be sent to email address info@predaplus.eu no later than 09.01.2018 at 14:00, with email subject stating “Call for proposal for the Small Grants Facility – Active CSOs”.
We are expecting your applications!
PREDA Plus Team