“Together for Social Inclusion” is the slogan of the campaign aimed at supporting better housing for the Roma community, implemented as part of the project BAIR – Joint Action of Bitola for Roma Inclusion. The project is funded by the EU and carried out by COSV, the PREDA Plus Foundation, and the Municipality of Bitola.
“The goal of this panel is not to provide final solutions, but to encourage constructive discussion, highlight expert opinions, suggestions, and positive experiences aimed at ensuring greater social inclusion and better housing conditions for the Roma community in the Bair neighborhood of Bitola. On this panel, we will summarize the achievements and efforts so far under the BAIR project, share lessons learned, positive examples of social housing from other municipalities, and expert views on the opportunities and challenges for adequate social housing for the Roma community in the Municipality of Bitola.”
This panel discussion is part of PREDA Plus’ awareness-raising campaigns implemented within the framework of the BAIR project.